ASA Instruction Certification

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161207 Santa Barbara 01 - 3 x 3.jpg

ASA Instruction Certification

from $400.00
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* Weather permitting
* Prices include: tuition, certification fee, damage insurance, text book & log book
* Prices also include: 8.25% sales tax & 12% port tax
* If ASA membership is current, reduce the fee/person by $53.00
* If student has an ASA log book, reduce the fee/person by $10.75
* Gratuities, when deserved by instructor, are not included (10-15% recommended)

Facts about the American Sailing Association (ASA)

  • ASA has had a fully functioning, nationwide keelboat program since 1983
  • ASA standards are used by more than 300 participating schools throughout North America and the Caribbean representing about 90% of the viable, commercial sailing schools in the U.S. making it the undisputed standard for sailing education in the country
  • ASA has certified more than 7,500 professional sailing instructors from around the world
  • ASA has certified over 450,000 students
  • ASA credentials are recognized at schools and charter companies around the world
  • ASA courses are approved by the U.S. Coast Guard and the Nation Association of State Boating Law Administrators
  • ASA established a comprehensive, national sailing school insurance program
  • ASA textbooks have sold more copies than any other books of their kind and are published and distributed by some of the largest publishers in the world including Simon & Schuster, Norton and McGraw/Hill
  • ASA textbooks are written by teachers, not journalists or famous racers
  • ASA’s basic textbook, Sailing Made Easy, was selected by the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary as its official Learn-to-Sail text and it has won numerous awards
  • ASA sponsors the annual ASA Outstanding Educator Award to 12 instructors from around the country.
  • ASA maintains one of the most active sailing websites in the world

American Sailing Association (ASA) Certification Course Descriptions
ASA 101 – Basic Keelboat Sailing
Prerequisites – None
Description – Demonstrated ability to skipper a sloop-rigged keelboat of approximately 20 to 27 feet in length by day in light to moderate winds and sea conditions. Knowledge of basic sailing terminology, parts and functions, helm commands, basic sail trim, points of sail, buoyage, seamanship and safety including basic navigation rules to avoid collisions and hazards. Auxiliary power operation is not required.

ASA 103 – Basic Coastal Cruising
Prerequisites – ASA 101 Certification
Description – Demonstrated ability to skipper a sloop-rigged auxiliary powered (outboard or inboard engine) keelboat of approximately 25 to 35 feet length by day in moderate winds and sea conditions. Knowledge of cruising sailboat terminology, basic boat systems, auxiliary engine operation, docking procedures, intermediate sail trim, navigation rules, basic coastal navigation, anchoring, weather forecast interpretation, safety and seamanship.

ASA 104 – Bareboat Cruising
Prerequisites – ASA 101 & 103 Certifications
Description – Demonstrated ability to skipper a sloop-rigged, auxiliary powered keelboat (or catamaran, if course is conducted on such) of approximately 30 to 45 feet in length during a multi-day cruise upon inland or coastal waters in moderate to heavy winds (up to 30 knots) and sea conditions. Course is conducted as a live-aboard cruise of at least 48 hours. Knowledge of provisioning, galley operations, boat systems, auxiliary engine operation, routine maintenance procedures, advanced sail trim, coastal navigation including basic chart plotting and GPS operation, multiple-anchor mooring, docking, health & safety, emergency operations, weather interpretation and dinghy/tender operation.

ASA 105 – Coastal Navigation
Prerequisites – ASA 101, 103 & 104 Certifications
Description – Able to demonstrate the navigational theory required to safely navigate a sailing vessel in coastal or inland waters. There is no Sailing Skills part to this Standard and practical application of this sailing knowledge is found in the Advanced Coastal Cruising Standard.

ASA 106 – Advanced Coastal Cruising
Prerequisites – ASA 101, 103, 104 & 105 Certifications
Description – Able to safely act as skipper and crew of a sailing vessel about 30 to 50 feet in length in any weather. This is a four day and three night course and finishes with a minimum 20 mile night sail.